
Featured Thought

Enter The Poet - Jumping With Hope

No one can give you hope, but people can influence your life in hopeful ways; let's have a day full of positive intentions.

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Help

Sometimes, I feel that I am the only one, who sees the problem; what do I do, if that's true?

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Moment

You shouldn't be too fearful of the day to come; nor too mindful of the day which has passed.

Enter The Poet - Being Seen

There will be a day, when you are seen and heard; hopefully, on that day, it will be on fair terms.

Enter The Poet - Molding The Day

If the day is not shaping up to the day you would like, simply mold it; and if that doesn't work, go back to bed, and try again tomorrow.

Enter The Poet - Dreaming Of A Dream

People think about you all the time; it's just not the people you prefer, nor the thoughts you imagine.

Enter The Poet - Doing The Math

The people, which you choose to interact with in your life, either add or subtract from it; and, based on this assertion, I often feel that my arithmetic skills, are becoming less than stellar.

Enter The Poet - Based On Invalid Information

Being betrayed does not make you dumb, you can only make bad choices, if you are provided bad information, and trust it; if the betrayer had been worthy of trust, and the real truth was known, your choices would have been better, and different.