
Featured Thought

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Moment

You shouldn't be too fearful of the day to come; nor too mindful of the day which has passed.

Enter The Poet - Being Seen

There will be a day, when you are seen and heard; hopefully, on that day, it will be on fair terms.

Enter The Poet - Molding The Day

If the day is not shaping up to the day you would like, simply mold it; and if that doesn't work, go back to bed, and try again tomorrow.

Enter The Poet - Dreaming Of A Dream

People think about you all the time; it's just not the people you prefer, nor the thoughts you imagine.

Enter The Poet - Doing The Math

The people, which you choose to interact with in your life, either add or subtract from it; and, based on this assertion, I often feel that my arithmetic skills, are becoming less than stellar.

Enter The Poet - Based On Invalid Information

Being betrayed does not make you dumb, you can only make bad choices, if you are provided bad information, and trust it; if the betrayer had been worthy of trust, and the real truth was known, your choices would have been better, and different.

Enter The Poet - Flowing As A River

I expand & I collapse I expand, and I collapse, not just with the act of breathing, but with successes and failures in life. With my triumphs I grow in confidence and boldness, with my missteps I learn of humility. I grow, I change; each, and every day, and in many ways, I have yet to comprehend. I am never the same person, but never a completely different one, either. I change and renew like the waves within the tides crashing on distant shores. People, whom I know and share this life with, are like ships which sail upon the changing seas. If they fail to adapt, they drift away; only by keeping up pace and making course corrections, do we continue to share our fate.

Enter The Poet - Being Way Too Anxious

Our Fears  Our fears are both our salvation and our painful death. In the right amount, and perspective, our fear uses our knowledge (real and perceived) to help us make good and safe decisions. Where to live, where to work, what friends we should make, who may join our lives, and how we should live our lives. It’s not trust which rules our lives, it’s fear; fear is hard coded in our physiology, it is part of us. While trust, on the other hand, is taught, learned, can be earned, and lost. Fear can be maintained and bridled, but it is very resistant to change or alteration. Too little fear can put us into dangerous situations, places, and relationships. We don’t check out the things we should or give heed to the things we should. Too much fear makes us make rash decisions, harsh decisions, and unjustifiable decisions. We hold on too tight, or we give up too soon. We have feelings of not enough time, not enough safety, not enough information; even if none of the feelings are