
Showing posts from July, 2024

Enter The Poet - Waiting For The Play To Begin

Sometimes, we look back, and marvel at the time, which has passed; but often, I find myself waiting for my time to begin.

Enter The Poet - Speaking On Pertinent Issues

I want to matter, and I want to be relevant; I just hope I reach those goals before it's no longer possible.

Enter The Poet - Simply Feeling The Day

Some days, the feelings are there, but no words to express them; all that is left, is to simply feel them.

Enter The Poet - Pondering The Moment

Moments happen all the time, and frequently we miss them; so, let's take a few moments, and just savor them.

Enter The Poet - Looking Forward For A Change

Often, we find ourselves looking behind at times, which were not the best; however, it is always nice to find a reason to look forward.

Enter The Poet - Finding Acknowledgement

Sometimes, you are amazing, and you accomplish great things; but, for some reason, you expect others to notice.

Enter The Poet - Spending A Day

The day has come, and soon will be gone, the time was used and spent; did you purchase anything worth keeping?

Enter The Poet - With Bold Flavor

Some days start off very blandly, and simply simmer along; yet end, very boldly, strongly, and with color.

Enter The Poet - Expressing Undefined Meanings

Some days, I just don't know the right thing to say, how to express my emotions, or to explain my situation; but often, I still find myself talking.

Enter The Poet - Striving For Higher Marks

Some days are made by your actions, while other days are made by your reactions.

Enter The Poet - Looking For A Common Solution

There will be times, when you need to evaluate the differences and find the common ground.

Enter The Poet - Just To Dream A Dream

It's always great having a good time; especially, when you expect it to be that way.

Enter The Poet - Surrounded By Shadows

Just because you know my name, that does not mean that you know who I am; or even that you care.

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Brakes

As you get older, days will pass faster; hopefully, you have filled your life with things, which make you desire slower days.

Enter The Poet - Always Wanting A Good Yesterday

Yesterday may have passed, but its effect will always linger for quite a while.

Enter The Poet - Thinking About The Lottery

If you can plan for everything, then you must be able to see the future; if you can do that, we need to have a long talk.

Enter The Poet - Choosing Better Dreams

What we feel is what we feel, and often it can be contrary to our wishes; the best thing we can do, is to be honest with ourselves, and true with our actions.

Enter The Poet - Overstated

You have asked me to express what I really feel; but, my current actions have been more than enough, or should be.

Enter The Poet - Being Friendly

In order to have friends, you have to make friends; otherwise, you are just meeting people.

Enter The Poet - Filling The Day With Hope

We never truly know, how many good moments we might have, nor how long they will last; we should make every effort to use and enjoy all of them.

Enter The Poet - Celebrating The Day

Some days should be celebrated by you, and some days should be celebrated with you; often, it's your choice.

Enter The Poet - Within The Midst of A Quandary

How do you spend time with someone over a long period of time and not develop some kind of relationship; if you can, then something is wrong.

Enter The Poet - Pondering More Important Ideas

Sometimes, we do things and don't really get, how naive those actions are; it's a good thing, that people believe we understood our actions, all along.

Enter The Poet - Pondering The Questions of Life

Life can seem to be rather easy to plan out and schedule; but, in practice, you may find it full of unexpected cancellations, revisions, and additional amendments.

Enter The Poet - Looking At The Circumstances

No one can predict the future, but everyone can be aware of the circle of events, which are leading up to it.

Enter The Poet - Having To Be Vocal

You may not have the answers to address how you feel; but, you have every right to express them, so that, someone can hear them, and possibly understand.

Enter The Poet - Staying The Course

Most times, it does not pay to be the good guy; but, if you become the bad guy, who does that help?

Enter The Poet - Saving The Day For Friendship

The only thing which makes a day special, are the people you share it with, and what they mean to you.

Enter The Poet - As A Side Note

Sometimes people only think of themselves; how do you get involved into that chain of thought, and do you want to be?

Enter The Poet - Learning New Expressions

Sometimes the goal needs to be learning; if we stay stagnant in our understanding, how are we to move forward?

Enter The Poet - Trying To Make A Difference

I can't do everything by myself; and I can't do anything, if everyone is undoing my work.