
Showing posts from September, 2024

Enter The Poet - Looking At Alternatives

Often, we look for comfort and companionship in other people; hopefully, if we can endure our mistakes, we will find the right people.

Enter The Poet - Defending My Heart

If your world falls apart, were you the victim; or were you an active participant?

Enter The Poet - Wondering Valid Questions

Do you not trust people, because they are unworthy to trust; or because you are unworthy of trust?

Enter The Poet - Busy Enough

A busy day, does not imply that it has been a productive day; and, a productive day, does not necessarily mean that the day has to be a busy one.

Enter The Poet - Looking Forward To Remembering

Each day, I hope, this is a day, of which, I will remember very fondly; well, that's how everyday starts.

Enter The Poet - Afraid Of The Sorrow

You can't spend your entire life, running away from your fears; but, you don't have to fight them, you can always learn how to approach them.

Enter The Poet - Unwilling To Move Backwards

There is no guarantee that moving forward will be easy, and there will always be the presence of fear, of the unknown, and of loss; however, understand, that you do know what you are leaving behind and why.

Enter The Poet - Absent From View

We should always try to do the right thing, but the right thing for the situation; and, every situation, is different.

Enter The Poet - Only Waiting For Today

Each day should be much more, than just waiting for another day; even if, you must use your imagination.

Enter The Poet - Taking A Moment To Trust

You can't spend your whole life, waiting to find someone to trust; you have to take the opportunity, before all of your time and chances are spent.

Enter The Poet - Beyond Preconceived Limits

You can exceed the expectations of others, and they may be happy; but, when you exceed expectations for yourself, then you can be happy.

Enter The Poet - Sad, Stranded, & Also Alone

If I had a real choice, and not the illusion of one; I would have better options in my life.

Enter The Poet - Looking Forward To A Smile

I would like to think, that every day, has the chance to be a great one; for some reason, the days don't seem to agree.

Enter The Poet - Carrying An Unexpected Burden

Life can be harsh, and there are times when it can be hurtful; what we do in those heavy moments are defined by our character.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Stay True To Self

Being who we truly are, is a goal, which shouldn't need to be set; but, frequently, it becomes the greatest challenge in our life.

Enter The Poet - Seeing What Is There

Often we only see, what we wish to see, even if it's not the reality; and then there are times, when we see, what we are unwilling to face.

Enter The Poet -Thinking Fondly of The Day

Some days of the week, have always been my favorite, and today, is certainty one of them.

Enter The Poet - Operating On Fate

Either fate or choice will decide the results of today; I don't have many choices, but I won't leave it up to fate.

Enter The Poet - Seeking Stress Relief

Some people and certain situations, can bring unneeded stress and frustration into our lives; often, if we remove those factors, we can also relieve the stress.

Enter The Poet - Some Future Moment

We never seem to live in or grasp the current present moment; we always seem to be waiting for some future, happier moment.

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Permanent Moment

I understand that happiness is a moment by moment feeling, and not a permanent emotion; but, that understanding, doesn't seem to stop me from trying to live there.

Enter The Poet - Seeing A Better Vision

Do you have a vision for your future; or, do you just see what others have told you to see?

Enter The Poet - With Fairness Questioned

Sometimes, I question the motives of others; do you believe in fairness, or just what's easier for you?

Enter The Poet - Possibly With Meaning

I rise and shine, I rise and fall; frequently just searching, for the meaning of it all.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Partnership

Each day seems to have its ups and downs; will you help to find the ups and avoid the downs?

Enter The Poet - Hearing And Seeing

It is commonly accepted that, in order to resolve an argument in a relationship, there must first be a discussion; it only helps to add some consideration and some action.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Acknowledgement

We exist, or at least we feel that we do; often, we are simply waiting for the proof, from the people, which we care about.

Enter The Poet - Wanting To Understand The Options

Sometimes, life isn't what you think it is; but, since this is the only life, we have lived, what can we use as a comparison?

Enter The Poet - Looking Into The Face Of A Lie

We spend most of our time, wanting to believe that what we are told, is the truth, and that we can make real decisions based on it; I really want to believe, but I have questions, and I am doing the research.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Correct Course

It's always a good time to take a measure of your course in life; detours can either delay you, or lose you altogether.

Enter The Poet - Expressing Awareness

Take the time to notice those who care about you; the things, which they do matter, and you should acknowledge that, to them.